Young woman breaks barriers to venture into photography
By Nomzamo Gwebu
Historically, women and girls in Zimbabwe and many other parts of the world were excluded from actively participating in business, politics and in decision making. Activities were arranged according to gender, thus, there were activities strictly done by men and others reserved for women. Over the years, women have broken barriers and made some inroads into activities they were once excluded.
One such woman is Nezipho Mhlaba (25) a budding business woman pursuing a career as a photographer and is in the process of building a photography business. For Nezipho, photography is not just about earning money but it is a passion and a hobby.
“I started photography when I was 22 years old. A friend introduced me to the Director of Veins Media, one of the best media companies in Bulawayo. I was clueless on how to use cameras but my heart desired to do that work. When I went there on the first day I had no idea how to use a camera but I put all my effort into learning until I mastered the art of photography,” says Nezipho.
Nezipho reveals that during the few years that she has worked as a photographer, she has earned a lot of experience and knowledge on how the industry works.
“As a camera operator, I have interacted with a lot of different people in different sectors of the media industry such as film producers, artists and directors. So far I have worked with influential people and a lot of celebrities. Recently I have been involved in a project with SaDee Lensworks, a visual production company which won the Bulawayo Arts Award (BAA) for best Bulawayo photographer in 2021. Such moments are critical in my career because I get exposed to influential people in the industry,” says Nezipho.
Nezipho said she has also earned a lot of appreciation and love from the people that she has made their moments memorable. She has done photography at weddings, birthday parties and university graduations. She adds that she has also done pictures for the Roil Bulawayo Arts Awards where she met and interacted with a lot of celebrities. She feels that this is greater than financial benefits.
The proceeds from photography are helping Nezipho to fund her education at university where she is studying Journalism and Media Studies.
“Veins media has helped me to pay my university fees. I no longer rely on my parents to get money. I can pay my fees and take care of some of the things at home”. Said Nezipho.
Nezipho says her ambition is to pursue photography as a career and establish herself as the best photographer in town.
“I am planning to take photography to another level. I want to own my own media entity. I want to own a studio that will fulfil my dreams. The industry is big and influential and it gives one a chance to grow bigger and be recognized,” says Nezipho.
Nezipho believes young women and girls have what it takes to break big in business but need to concentrate on their education so that they have a better understanding of their career choices.
She encourages girls to identify their career choices early so that they have adequate exposure and understanding before they start their own ventures.